Extension Program - SEEDS
Students Exceeding and Excelling in Developmental Skills
Provision of Gifted and Talented Education
Mel Maria Catholic Primary School offers a continuum of services to extend and enrich students. Our Gifted and Talented Extension program, SEEDS provides multidisciplinary academic enrichment.
The content and criteria for selection into this program is determined by; student and whole school needs as identified by the SEEDS CO-ORDINATOR and administration team. These programs are run in multi-age groups of students with like ability from year 1-6. Students receive an invitation into the program/s that best suit their academic needs.
SEEDS Overview
- Future Problem Solving
- MAG SEEDS(multi-age group)
- Philosophy SEEDS
- Robotics SEEDS
- TOM SEEDS (tournament of the mind)
- WOW SEEDS (words of wizardry)
- Seedlings Yr 1/2
State ROBOCUP Championships
Learning Support
The Learning Support Team assists those students who require additional support to meet their full potential in order to gain the confidence and skills to experience success in the classroom.
Early Intervention
At Mel Maria we recognize the importance of early intervention. Research has shown that the earlier learning difficulties are identified and acted upon, the more likely it is for intervention strategies to be effective. With this in mind, Mel Maria offers Speech and OT screening in Kindy and PP. Our Early Intervention Program for Pre Primaries (supported by Fremantle Speech Pathology) has proven extremely successful. Each student is screened in Speech Clarity, Comprehension, Narrative, Phonological Awareness and Letter/Sound Recognition. Students who are “At Risk” are placed in a small group and through games are taught the skills required. This program, which has been running for many years, is a crucial element of Mel Maria’s efforts in Early Intervention.
The Learning Support Teachers liaise with classroom teachers, psychologists, specialists (e.g. Speech Pathologists, OT’s), Organisations such as Rocky Bay & Telethon Speech & Hearing, and parents in order to collaborate and focus on the adaptations and modifications needed to specifically target the student’s needs.
Our teachers participate in, and promote networking with other Learning Support teachers to share examples of best practice.
Intervention Programs that we use
- In PP we have 1:1 and small group support in Phonological Awareness, developing Narrative skills and mathematical concepts
- MiniLit and MultiLit
- Lexia Core 5 Reading
- Repeated Reading
- Small Group Phonics Development
- Maths Intervention programs based on Extending Mathematical Understanding Program Principles. (Australian Catholic University.)
- First Steps Maths & MTS online